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Arigato Gozaimashita

Our Sponsors and Volunteers

Thank you to all our sponsors and volunteers for their help and contributions to our annual tournament, the West Island Karate Championships (formerly known as the Canadian Junior Kyokushin Championships).


Scotia Bank

Investors Group

Pizzalinni da Francesca

Soothing Hands

Peintre Manon Lafrance

Restaurant Nicolina

Restaurant Le Blaks No. 1

E Burger

Our Webmaster

Many thanks to our webmaster, Mike Woo.  It is Mike that created the site that you see.  His efforts and many hours of work have contributed to conveying the unique spirit and sense of community that we have at our dojo.

Shihan John


Webmaster's note:  I could not have done this alone.  A website (and webmaster) is nothing without good content.  Therefore I would like to thank everyone who has contributed  photos, slide shows, videos, testimonials, ideas, comments, suggestions, etc, that have made this website what it is.  Westislandkarate.com is truly a group effort and is just another reflection of the special camaraderie and sense of family that make our dojo so unique.  So thank you all for your time and generosity (and for tuning in once in a while).  It is very much appreciated...by everyone.  A special thank you goes out to Sensei who placed his trust in me to create an "online dojo" which mirrors the spirit of its real world counterpart.  It is truly an honour for me to support West Island Karate by "giving back" in my own small way. 

Click here to e-mail me any comments or suggestions.

Mike (a.k.a. "Karate Dad Productions" :-))